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Function: require_once
Written On : 16-Dec-2019
Author : Neha Dubey
Member Level : Gold
Category : IGNOU Question Papers Points : 50
Looking for December 2019 IGNOU MCS 21 exam question paper of Data and File Structure course? MCS 21 exam of IGNOU was held on 14 December 2019 in India. Check out the IGNOU MCS 21 Data and File Structures December 2019 question paper here.
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has held the MCS 21 i.e., Data and File Structure exam on 14th December 2019. The MCS 21 December 2019 question paper consisted of 5 questions out of which the first question was compulsory. And out of the remaining four questions, students had to answer any three questions.
The maximum time allowed was three hours to answer the MCS 21 question paper by IGNOU.
Let us see the questions that were asked in the December 2019 MCS 21 question paper.
1(a). Order the following functions by their complexity in increasing order. (3 Marks)
1(b). Given the function f(x) = 3x3 + 2x2 + 1, show that f(x) = O(x3) using the definition of O (big oh). (4 Marks)
1(c). A recursive function is given below:
f(int x)
if (X<2) return 1
return f(x-1) + f(x-2)
What is the value of f(5)! Show a complete recursion tree.
1(d). Evaluate the postfix expression:
623 +-382 | +*2**3+
1(e). How do you define balance of a subtree? Construct an AVL=tree (height balanced tree) for the following sequence of input:
1(f). Apply the bubble sort algorithm to sort the following list. What is the time complexity of bubble sort?
35 30 10 40 25 28 15 9
1(g). Apply Dijkstra's single source shortest path alogorithm to find out the shortest path from a vertex a to every other vertex of the following graph:
2(a). Write an algorithm for Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of the two integers m and n. Also calculate best case and worst case time complexity of the alogorithm. (10 marks)
2(b). Write an alogorithm to implement a stack through a linked list and delete an item from it. (10 Marks)
3(a). Write an algorithm to implement a Depth First Search method. Write the order of node sequence it will visit in the following graph * using this technique:
* using V1 as the source vertex.
3(b). Make a 3-tuple representation of non-zero elements of the following 6X5 sparce matrix:
3(c). Write an algorithm to implement a circular array and explain the logic.
4(a). What is the minimum spanning tree? Apply Prim's algorithm to find minimum spanning tree of the following graph:
4(b). What is the min-heap? Build a min-heap of the following sequence using top-down approach: INTERNATIONAL (10 Marks)
5(a). What are the properties of a RBT (Red-Black tree)? Explain the process of inserting a node into RBT through an example. (10 marks)
5(b). Given the following BST (Binary Search Tree). Write down its preorder and postorder traversal schemes:
5(c). Explain the following terms: (4 Marks)
(i) Asymptotic Analysis
(ii) Indexed Sequential File
IGNOU MCS 21 December 2019 question paper was of moderate toughness level. The questions had consisted of frequently asked questions such as Dijkstra's algorithm, Prim's algorithm, 3-tuple matrix and other topics such as Depth First Search method etc. Considering the repeted topics, the MCS 21 question paper of December 2019 was considered of moderate one. Students who has studied well would score 60% marks easily.
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