Looking for IGNOU MCA MCS 024 assignment solved answer key of 2018-2019? Check out the solution of MCS 024 question 1c - Write a program to explain use of Relational and Boolean operators in java.
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Answer of MCA MCS 024 1c question - Write a program to explain use of Relational and Boolean operators in java.
MCS 024 solved assignment 2018-19 Question 1c - Write a program to explain use of Relational and Boolean operators in java.
Relational Operators
Following are the various relational or comparison operators available in Java programming language.
- Greater than (>)
- Greater than or equal to (>=)
- Less than (<)
- Less than or equal to (<=)
- Equal to (==)
- Not equal to (!=)
Boolean operators of Java programming language
Following are the various boolean operators available in Java programming language.
- Conditional AND (&&)
- Conditional OR (||)
- Boolean NOT (!)
- Boolean AND (&)
- Boolean OR (|)
- Boolean XOR (^)
Java program to explain use of relational and boolean operators
//Sample java program to evaluate grading of student
public class grade
public static void main(String args[])
int total=55;
char grade;
else if(total >= 40 && total < 60)
grade = 'S';
grade = 'T';
System.out.println("Grade = "+grade);
//End of the program
Output of the program
Grade = S
So here was the fully solved IGNOU MCS 024 assignment 2018-19 question 1c.